Monday, August 31, 2009

Crown Moulding Milestone Party

The crown moulding is up, and Willow was on hand for our milestone celebration. As much as I hate to admit it, I get all warm inside when she gives me a smile and a job well done. What a sucker I am.

The puppy is away for his first day at espionage school (for all I know) with Cheryl, starting classes in French and Urdu and whatever martial arts the little guy needs (I'm afraid to ask), leaving Willow and me alone and back in the routine we had known for years, back before the puppy came into our lives.

So today in the puppy-less silence of this house, Willow is sleeping by my chair. She follows me up and down the stairs, in and out of the guest room, into the kitchen for coffee, down to play the piano, everywhere.

Cheryl and I knew that the puppy would upset the balance of our lives, like a fourth person stepping onto a row boat of three. Things are getting steady now and comfortable, but I worry that I don't pay enough attention to Willow. And for her part, I know that Willow wanted to point out the flaws, one by one, of the crown moulding and to give me a hard time, but today she didn't.

Next I will do the baseboards and then finish the curved area around the door. Getting closer.

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