I stripped away the door frame, then pried a section of tile away from the wall. Just like I had feared, the concrete backer board is reinforced with a thick wire mesh, which when broken is sharp. Oh well, I can get behind it all with my crowbar and pull it away from the studs.
I was working on the wall where the sink and mirror are located. Hot and cold water lines, made of galvanized steel, come out here about 18 inches from the floor. I didn't give them much thought--normally they are fastened to the 2x4s.
As I freed the tile around the hot water line I heard a shhhhhhhhh sound, followed soon after by Cheryl screaming from downstairs, "Water, water!" I flew downstairs and into the garage to turn off the water, but the kitchen, which is directly below the bathroom, was already flooding. Not good.
With such a tenuous connection, the workers (the ones who put in the PVC) should have secured the steel pipe to 2x4s. I have considered every aspect of their character and well-being over the past several hours.
On the other hand, I should not have assumed that the pipe was secure. I should have been more careful, and I will be from this point on.
Anyway, after two trips to Home Depot and about four hours from when the leak sprung, I finally got the plumbing capped and we got the water turned back on. It was time for a nap and some personal reflection.
Looking forward to testing out the new guest bathroom...but it looks like it may be a while. Tizita loves gushing water...maybe she could help you!